Monday, November 21, 2011


Alright guys, today I have a really fun topic to talk about: hair. After all, I did promise a more entertaining blog entry last time! I hope this is good enough~

I have a lot of work to do, and not enough time to do it~ My posts may not be regular for a short period of time. ♥

Don't you think that it's one of the most amazing things about a person~? I mean, just by looking at their hair you can tell what sort of person they are!

(Not that I spend time analyzing peoples' hair. Ahem.)

For example, if they style it on a regular basis, you know that they generally care about what it looks like!

Or say they have really dry split ends... Either they neglect their hair, or they heat-style it regularly, right~?

I'm not saying that that's always the case~ But from past experiences, those two examples, among many others that I could bring to your attention, are quite true~

Now. Moving the boring part to the side, I shall talk about what I really wanted to: a certain guy in my college who has got the most amazing hair.

For law purposes or whatever, I shouldn't disclose him name so I shall dub him 'X'.

X has got the. Most. Gorgeous. Hair. If I could talk about anyone's hair for hours on end, it would be his. It's soft (Alright fine, it LOOKS soft. I haven't touched it. Yet.) quite long, and utterly sleek and smooth. It has absolutely no kinks in it, it's straight jet black and always looks picture perfect!

I tried to draw it.

I couldn't do him justice.

So, I tried to look online for a reference! He's Japanese, I believe, and sorta reminds me of a J Rocker. His face is perfectly proportionate, his complexion flawless and his manners impeccable. (Sorry for sounding like an idiot. No, I'm not in love with him. I merely think he's stunning.)

But. He doesn't wear make-up, nor does he color his hair and his fashion sense is like that of an ordinary American highschooler!

Finding reference: impossible.

But you can't say I didn't try! Here's more or less what his hair looks like~

(Found on a forum... Sorry, I'm not sure I can remember which one. No copyright infringement intended. *blurs away like crazy on PS*)
Pretty, right? Only it's much neater at the top (his doesn't stick up), smoother (the sideburns are closer to his face~) and... Flickier? Is that a word? It should be a word. It's an amazing description of his hair.

It flicks away at the front in all the right places and frames his face perfectly!! ♥ (Unlike the picture~)


On second thoughts, that picture doesn't look much like it. My doodle was better.

So, that's my rant about his hair done.

What else can I say about hair...?

Oh yes. Don't you hate leg hairs? And ingrown hairs? And eyebrows that just won't stay neatly groomed? Yeah. Me too.

...*long pause*

Well, I'm busy with work and blah blah blah, so for now - I'm out. I would say more, but I'm running outta tiiimeee~

Ciao 'till later! ♥


PS~ Doodles are mine, mosaic/blurred photo isn't.
PPS~ Doodles were very very rushed. Sorry they're not as good as they could be. *worried look* I'll try harder next time, I promise!! ♥

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Argh! Y'know, I think education is designed to kill us.

So much work, revision, studying... So many exams, papers, projects! I just don't have the time!

Plus, I really wanna get some sorta fun part-time job to take my mind off things~ But what?! Seriously.

Education = Death.

For the moment, for me, at any rate. Not for everyone, and never forever~ That is all.


PS~ Next blog post shall be more interesting.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"Feeling like death warmed up."

Alright. The English language and I need to have a little chat and since I love you so much, you may sit in.

Ready? *tucks hair behind ear and pushes up glasses* I don't wear glasses, but it's all about the effect!

English, you are an interesting language. But I have a slight issue.


Where the heck did the phrase, 'feeling like death warmed up', come from?!


No, seriously. Where? I mean, it sounds so stupid! For one, it should mean this:

*meant to be a drawing of a Grim Reaper*
...*can't draw that*

But that would be silly because when people feel like 'death warmed up' they feel ill and tired not evil and powerful... Right? So... It could mean this:

But who's gonna believe that? Death is scary and frightening, like this:

Not sick and weak, like this:

So... Why call it 'death warmed up'?

Well, it could portray the concept of zombies being brought back to live: Death, a corpse, warmed up - having the warmth of life returned.

Fine, fine. But zombies are frightening and powerful creatures! They kill to no end and have no personal thought. See:


They're not exhausted and tired!

That is true. But the idea could be that the person may look pale and drawn - as if dead - but is clearly still alive, much like a 'corpse' being revived by the fire. (Source.)


Makes sense, I guess. But still. It's such a weird phrase! The word 'death' is often associated with the Grim Reaper, fear and/or tragedy (just look at Shakespeare) not feeling unwell. Plus, if Death is from Hell, and Hell is like a furnace (pretty sure I read that in the Bible somewhere...), why would he/it need warming up when he/it's already burning...?

*so creative*

Argh. It makes zero sense to me. Oh well.

Thank you for your time.


Gotta love the weirdness of English, eh~?

Fun fact: 'Death warmed over' is the American form of the phrase. Hmm. (Source.)


PS~ Sketch-doodles are, again, mine. Any other sources are linked to their respective sites.

Update! Apparently, the meaning/origin is actually as follows: As saying 'warmed up to' can mean 'getting close to' or 'friendly', the phrase 'Death warmed up' meant that Death was getting closer. Freaky, huh?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Of Tuesday evenings and true love...

So it's a Tuesday evening and I'm currently reading a book that most people have either previously read, heard of or seen the movie equivalent of: Dear John, by Nicholas Sparks.

In all honesty, I am not one of those sappy people who go doe-eyed and woozy at the thought of finding that one 'soul mate' nor am I someone who loves romance novels. Quite frankly, they annoy me.

I mean, what's the big deal? They're all the same!

Step 1: Identify characters.

Step 2: Get them to meet. Somehow.

Step 3: They fall hard in love, fast. Or slowly. Whatever. They fall in love, right? Right.

Step 4: Give them some 'difficult situation'.

Good examples: An ocean, an interfering jealous werewolf, memory loss, the 'one-of-the-characters-lied-about-who-they-truly-are-and-the-other-character-needs-space-to-get-over-it' thing...

The list is long and very very boring.

Step 5, option a: They overcome the 'situation' and live happily ever after.

Step 5, option b: Bad stuff happens.

Step 6: The end.

Alright, I will admit that writing a book isn't that simple, takes talent and inspiration but in my opinion, if you've read one romance novel, the next one won't be that different. That's why I hardly read them, and when I do, I generally forget the whole story after a day or two and go find some better material to spend time absorbing.

But there's just something about that book that moved me to tears.

I've always seen [romantic] relationships as a chore, mostly, I guess, because I've never been in requited love. To me, a relationship generally meant being happily in love through no matter what happened. 

Now, it still is, to a degree, but I suppose I see more clearly the fact that there's more to a relationship than saying 'I love you' and meaning it and spending time together.

It may have been obvious to everyone from day one, but I'm proud of my own personal discovery and wanted to share it with you~


PS~ Doodle-sketches are my own.