Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Of Tuesday evenings and true love...

So it's a Tuesday evening and I'm currently reading a book that most people have either previously read, heard of or seen the movie equivalent of: Dear John, by Nicholas Sparks.

In all honesty, I am not one of those sappy people who go doe-eyed and woozy at the thought of finding that one 'soul mate' nor am I someone who loves romance novels. Quite frankly, they annoy me.

I mean, what's the big deal? They're all the same!

Step 1: Identify characters.

Step 2: Get them to meet. Somehow.

Step 3: They fall hard in love, fast. Or slowly. Whatever. They fall in love, right? Right.

Step 4: Give them some 'difficult situation'.

Good examples: An ocean, an interfering jealous werewolf, memory loss, the 'one-of-the-characters-lied-about-who-they-truly-are-and-the-other-character-needs-space-to-get-over-it' thing...

The list is long and very very boring.

Step 5, option a: They overcome the 'situation' and live happily ever after.

Step 5, option b: Bad stuff happens.

Step 6: The end.

Alright, I will admit that writing a book isn't that simple, takes talent and inspiration but in my opinion, if you've read one romance novel, the next one won't be that different. That's why I hardly read them, and when I do, I generally forget the whole story after a day or two and go find some better material to spend time absorbing.

But there's just something about that book that moved me to tears.

I've always seen [romantic] relationships as a chore, mostly, I guess, because I've never been in requited love. To me, a relationship generally meant being happily in love through no matter what happened. 

Now, it still is, to a degree, but I suppose I see more clearly the fact that there's more to a relationship than saying 'I love you' and meaning it and spending time together.

It may have been obvious to everyone from day one, but I'm proud of my own personal discovery and wanted to share it with you~


PS~ Doodle-sketches are my own.


  1. So what up with the twilight reference? You a fan?

  2. D'aw, that's so sweet... mainly cuz it's Nicholas Sparks. XD <3

  3. @Anon: No, no~ Jacob Black really is a 'difficult situation' when it comes to the main couple, Bella and Edward.

    @Lil: Pffft. You're such a sap. ♥
