Monday, November 21, 2011


Alright guys, today I have a really fun topic to talk about: hair. After all, I did promise a more entertaining blog entry last time! I hope this is good enough~

I have a lot of work to do, and not enough time to do it~ My posts may not be regular for a short period of time. ♥

Don't you think that it's one of the most amazing things about a person~? I mean, just by looking at their hair you can tell what sort of person they are!

(Not that I spend time analyzing peoples' hair. Ahem.)

For example, if they style it on a regular basis, you know that they generally care about what it looks like!

Or say they have really dry split ends... Either they neglect their hair, or they heat-style it regularly, right~?

I'm not saying that that's always the case~ But from past experiences, those two examples, among many others that I could bring to your attention, are quite true~

Now. Moving the boring part to the side, I shall talk about what I really wanted to: a certain guy in my college who has got the most amazing hair.

For law purposes or whatever, I shouldn't disclose him name so I shall dub him 'X'.

X has got the. Most. Gorgeous. Hair. If I could talk about anyone's hair for hours on end, it would be his. It's soft (Alright fine, it LOOKS soft. I haven't touched it. Yet.) quite long, and utterly sleek and smooth. It has absolutely no kinks in it, it's straight jet black and always looks picture perfect!

I tried to draw it.

I couldn't do him justice.

So, I tried to look online for a reference! He's Japanese, I believe, and sorta reminds me of a J Rocker. His face is perfectly proportionate, his complexion flawless and his manners impeccable. (Sorry for sounding like an idiot. No, I'm not in love with him. I merely think he's stunning.)

But. He doesn't wear make-up, nor does he color his hair and his fashion sense is like that of an ordinary American highschooler!

Finding reference: impossible.

But you can't say I didn't try! Here's more or less what his hair looks like~

(Found on a forum... Sorry, I'm not sure I can remember which one. No copyright infringement intended. *blurs away like crazy on PS*)
Pretty, right? Only it's much neater at the top (his doesn't stick up), smoother (the sideburns are closer to his face~) and... Flickier? Is that a word? It should be a word. It's an amazing description of his hair.

It flicks away at the front in all the right places and frames his face perfectly!! ♥ (Unlike the picture~)


On second thoughts, that picture doesn't look much like it. My doodle was better.

So, that's my rant about his hair done.

What else can I say about hair...?

Oh yes. Don't you hate leg hairs? And ingrown hairs? And eyebrows that just won't stay neatly groomed? Yeah. Me too.

...*long pause*

Well, I'm busy with work and blah blah blah, so for now - I'm out. I would say more, but I'm running outta tiiimeee~

Ciao 'till later! ♥


PS~ Doodles are mine, mosaic/blurred photo isn't.
PPS~ Doodles were very very rushed. Sorry they're not as good as they could be. *worried look* I'll try harder next time, I promise!! ♥


  1. Best post so far. Just... I think my edited version is better.

    "If I could talk about anyone's ---- for hours on end, it would be his. It's soft (Alright fine, it LOOKS soft. I haven't touched it. Yet.) quite long, and utterly ----- and -----. It has absolutely no kinks in it, it's straight --- ----- and always looks picture perfect!"

    Yeah, mine is definitely better.

    ~Altus Quinque me.

  2. @Anon: *huffs* How cruel! Honestly. *noms your arm*

  3. lool 'Altus Quinque'~ we all know who that is!
    I think it was really good and really informative! YAY! I shall follow you're advice, and from now on, avoid getting hit by lighting.

  4. @Anon: Yup, indeed.
    And aw, thank you! Ahahaha, I'm glad~ *grins* Don't take me too seriously! XD ♥
