Monday, April 2, 2012

My new shower curtain.

Okay I know this is an odd one, but bear with me.

I love my new shower curtain. Does that sound creepy? It's blue and stripy and it has fish on it. Here, I'll show you a photo.

Excuse the bad lighting~ I need to get a new bulb for the bathroom.

It's perfect, right?


I can't remember where we bought it from, but damn it's so cute! ...I sound crackers here, don't I? Alright, here's a list of why me new shower curtain is awesome:

a) It's blue. Blue is cool. Period.

b) It has fish. Fish are amazing. C'mon, who doesn't love fish?

c) It's in my bathroom and I'm awesome. True story. /Barney reference /shotdead

d) It goes with my decor! Most of my bathroom is white and the door is blue. It matches.

Need to get that lock fixed... Geez, today wasn't the best day for photos, huh?

e) It matches my shower cap! No, I won't show you. Just take my word for it. Seriously.

f) The fish, guys. LOOK HOW CUTE

Can you tell I love this iPhone app a little too much?

I think that's quite a long list. I love my new shower curtain. Problem?


PS~ A large amount of cheese was consumed before writing this. I take no responsibility for how stupid this post may or may not sound to ordinary human ears. I may or may not be hyperactive right now.

PPS~ Photos are my own and taken by myself, obviously~ I had fun with this!

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